Our Services
At ICIS we understand that our clients operate within a highly complex, rapidly changing environment. Our range of services is designed to help clients deal with the complex, inter-related issues they face.
On the following pages you will find full details of our training, clinical and therapeutic support services, therapy intervention programmes and consultancy and education services. These encompass mental health, learning and physical disabilities, abuse and offending behaviours
Our professionally qualified clinical staff and course leaders work closely with clients to achieve mutually agreed objectives through services developed to meet their individual or group needs. This can involve anything from simple awareness raising to a complex programme of training; psychological assessments to the development of extensive therapeutic packages.
In fact, our breadth of expertise enables us to take a holistic view of a client’s needs to ensure that they are addressed in a comprehensive, ‘joined-up’ way.
Please remember that whilst you’ll find a detailed listing of what ICIS can offer on the following pages, it is not the final word. If you have a requirement that you feel is not covered here, we will be happy to work with you to develop a service that fits your needs exactly.